All parents are eager to photograph their newborn, but most are not as eager to be in front of the camera with their newborn. It's common and very understandable, but a Madonna session is not complete without mom AND baby.
The idea behind this session is to keep it simple. Black outfits work best because they don't distract and also conceal. Jewelry is also kept to a minimum. Simplicity is the theme, so less is more. No reason to distract from the precious newborns' face.
There's also no reason that dad can't participate. Even though he might not have a desire to conceal anything, black is also encouraged. And unless you are Mr. T, jewelry is still kept to a minimum.
Some other tips include having the Madonna session before 6-weeks of age. Trust me, if you push this date much later holding a toddler in these poses won't be as easy.